Jabba's Favor Walkthrough - Star Wars Outlaws Guide - IGN (2024)


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Despite saving Nix and defeating a Rancor in Star Wars Outlaws' Partners mission, Kay will find herself caught by Jabba, who will strike a deal for her freedom. Our walkthrough will guide you through helping Jabba to get back in his good books, with tips for sneaking through every enemy encounter, finding useful resources for upgrades and tracking down key points of interest.

Looking for a specific part of this walkthrough? Use the links below to jump between each major section:

  • Infiltrating The Imperial Base
  • Finding Jabba's Data
  • Escaping The Imperial Stronghold
  • Returning The Data to Jabba
  • Surviving The Stormtrooper Assault


Jabba's Favor Walkthrough

Once you've negotiated with Jabba, Kay and Vail will leave his palace and begin figuring out how to deal with Jabba's request. Kay will call Jaylen, and then Vail will intercept our comms. She'll tell us she's found a recon point outside Fort Sunfire; the Imperial base we need to break into. Mark Jabba's Favor as your active quest, then call your speeder and drive to the waypoint. It's shown on the map above.

It'll take you up a ridge just before the entrance to the Imperial base. As you head up the ridge, keep an eye on the chasm wall to your right. Eventually, you'll spot a climbable cliff wall.

When you reach it, dismount your speeder and climb the wall. At the top, you'll find a grapple hook at the edge of the cliff above you. Latch onto it, then pull yourself up and climb to your feet. When you're up, follow the path of cliff faces ahead until you enter a small clearing where you'll see Vail.

Found Vail (Jabba's Favor)

Infiltrating The Imperial Base

Talk to her and you'll cue a cutscene, as Vail and Kay discuss the plan. Shockingly, Vail will tell you that you're going to infiltrate the base while she does recon. After you're finished discussing the plan, take a right, following the dirt path down until you arrive in an area with two paths.


Take the one marked in the image above, climbing the cliff face towering over the facility and then latching to the grapple point in front of you, using it to rappel down to the wall below. Turn around and you'll see a platform to your right.

There are two guards on this platform. One is an Imperial Officer working on a computer, and the other is a stormtrooper who patrols across the bridge on the opposite side of the platform before returning to the platform and standing in the back left-hand corner.

Walk onto the platform, and then follow the boxes that run around the right-hand side of it. Stop when you reach the box next to where the Imperial Officer is working. Wait here until the stormtrooper makes their way back across the bridge, then order Nix to attack the trooper, opening them up to a stealth attack. Take them down, then cross the bridge and finish off the stormtrooper.

When the platform is clear, cross the bridge and head into the open doorway ahead. Now we're inside, it's time to track down Jabba's data.

Finding Jabba's Data

Now we're inside, look to your right and you'll see an Imperial guard. Sneak up behind them and take them down, then head through the door at the end of the corridor. Once you're through, you'll see a bridge that extends over a room below. Halfway across this bridge, you'll see a section that extends out to the left and towards a room blocked by an energy barrier. The barrier is marked in the image above. We want to make our way to this barrier, however, there's a stormtrooper and an Imperial Guard watching from the other side of the bridge, meaning we can't simply walk over.


Once you're on the bridge, duck behind the boxes to your left and look to your right. You'll see a platform running adjacent to the walkway that's out of reach. Order Nix to push the button you see on this walkway.

As he does, a suspended box will begin to move across a railing above you. Climb up the boxes you're currently crouched behind and grab the box, riding it around to the energy barrier.

When you arrive, drop down. You'll now be directly next to the energy barrier. Hack the terminal to the right of the energy barrier to open it, then head through. As you enter, you'll clock there's a stormtrooper working on a panel to your right and an Imperial Guard using a terminal to your left. Luckily, neither are facing each other, so take them down individually.

When they're both unconscious, head through the vent on the wall to the left of where the stormtrooper was standing. It's circled above. Pass through it and you'll wind up in a maintenance room. Make your way to the back of the room and climb the yellow grate leading up the wall.

Follow the path of yellow grates up until you reach a walkway. You'll find another series of grates and pipes here, so go ahead and climb up those until you reach a fan.

We'll need to cross over this fan, however, it will periodically switch on and off. Wait for it to turn on and then deactivate before crossing it to the pipe on the other side, then climbing the yellow grate next to it.


It'll take you up to a walkway at the top of the room. Climb up to the walkway, then head through the vent on your left.

You'll emerge in a large room with a staircase illuminated by red lighting ahead. Ignore the routes to your right and left and head straight for the staircase. Follow it all the way up and, at the top, you'll find a doorway through to a corridor.

Before you push through this door, be careful. There's a stormtrooper patrolling the corridor on the other side of the door, so wait for them to walk past you, then sneak behind them and take them out. When they're down, take a look around the corridor. You'll see a camera guarding a shutter at the end of the path.

To the right of this door is a small office. Head inside, take out the stormtrooper working on the terminal opposite where you enter, then look toward the terminal facing the window on your left. Hack into this terminal and you'll be able to turn off the camera and open the door at the end of the corridor. Do both, then exit and make your way around to the door.

This is the room where the data is being held, so we need to get inside and slice into the terminal in the centre. However, two Imperial guards areblocking our path. One will stand stationary working on the terminal in the centre of the room, and the other will move back and forth between terminals on the right and left-hand side of the room. Wait for the patrolling guard to stop at a terminal, then sneak up behind them and take them out. When they're out cold, make your way over to the other guard and finish them off too.

When the coast is clear, proceed to the central terminal, slice it and get Jabba's data. Once you have it, you'll cue a cutscene, as Kay watches Vail come face-to-face with a Zerek Besh agent.

Grabbed Jabba's Data (Jabba's Favor)


Escaping The Imperial Stronghold

After the cutscene concludes, it's time to blow this joint. Run out of the door opposite the console and two enemies will appear at the end of the hallway. As they do, duck behind the box to your right.

Pop out and shoot both enemies dead, then grab the blaster rifle the stormtrooper was carrying and head into the elevator. It'll begin to descend, eventually arriving in the control room we moved through earlier. Gun down the Imperial Officer that you see ahead, then head out the energy barrier door we hacked through earlier.

As you arrive on the bridge, a large group of stormtroopers will swarm the area. Use your remaining blaster rifle shots to take some of them down quickly, then pick off the remaining few with your blaster. A few of these units will use energy shields, so if you need to, switch to your ion mode to take the shields down and leave them vulnerable.

When the crowd has been whittled away, follow the bridge to the left and out the large shutter ahead. It'll take you outside. Follow the path in front of you, taking down any stormtroopers or Imperial officers in your way, and at the end of the route, you'll find Vail next to your Speeder. Hop on your speeder and take off behind Vail, following her.

Escaped the Imperial Stronghold (Jabba's Favor)

Returning The Data to Jabba


Continue following Vail as she leads you down the path ahead and, at the sight of a stormtrooper checkpoint blocking the main path, stick behind her and launch off the ramp to your right.

Once you land, several stormtroopers will begin chasing you on speeders. If you have it saved up, use your Adrenaline Rush to take them all down, then continue following Vail. She'll hit another ramp, leaping over a chasm and onto the rocks ahead.

As you land, you'll see several stormtrooper blockades and checkpoints on the path ahead. Curve down the path to your right so you're on the road below you, then keep pressing forward. As you follow the path, another batch of stormtroopers on speeders will show up. By now, you've probably saved up another Adrenaline Rush, so gun them down once again and stay on Vail's tail.

Eventually, you'll hit a checkpoint with a laser barrier blocking you. Vail will tell you to take a right into the cavern ahead, so follow her that way. Carve your way through the cavern and, eventually, the stormtroopers will give up the chase. As they do, you'll emerge into a large canyon.

Here, Kay and Vail will come to a stop. Vail will tell us we need to meet the Hutt enforcers in Mos Algo, so from here, stick behind Vail and enjoy the ride.

She'll take you all the way to the town, then advise you to go and speak to the Hutt enforcers collecting the data. Head across the battlefield ahead and towards the house marked with a Hutt emblem. It's circled in the image above.


As Kay knocks on the door, you'll cue a cutscene, with Bib Fortuna telling the pair that they were followed. Just as they question his accusation, a truck of stormtroopers will come up the hill.

Reached the Drop Off Point (Jabba's Favor

Surviving The Stormtrooper Assault

As soon as you regain control, duck behind the crates in front of you. You'll see that an army of stormtroopers is starting to gather in the area below. Our job for the next few minutes is merely to survive. Eventually, this fight will be cut off, but until then, we have to stay in the fight.

For the majority of the fight, we're going to be sticking behind the crates we're currently ducking behind. Not only does this vantage provide solid cover against the enemies below and give us the high ground, but it also provides ample opportunity to hit the various explosive barrels dotted around the environment. These barrels are essentially your lifeline in this fight. Considering the stormtroopers will enter the fray in large groups, try to take out as many as possible by waiting for them to gather near barrels and then blowing them sky high.

Aside from that, you'll find a Laser Rifle behind the crate to your left, so grab that and start blasting, exclusively aiming for headshots. Once the rifle's out, you can send Nix out to find you a new one, so make sure you're always using one of the more powerful temporary weapons for the duration of the shootout.

Other than that, stay healed up (sending Nix out to scrounge for bacta vials if you need them), remember to use Adrenaline Rush when it becomes available and ensure you're always ready to switch to Ion mode when you see enemies with a shield to destroy. After around three waves, you'll cue a cutscene, as ND enters the fray in the nick of time and saves us.


When the scene concludes, so will the mission. Just like that, our time on Tatooine is over and we're no longer grounded, meaning we're ready to make our journey to a new planet.

Jabba's Favor Complete

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Jabba's Favor Walkthrough - Star Wars Outlaws Guide - IGN (1)

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Jabba's Favor Walkthrough - Star Wars Outlaws Guide - IGN (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.